Last year, we entered the UK Search Awards for the very first time in our existence. In a marketplace where award ceremonies are a dime a dozen, the UK Search Awards have always stood out as something special. The judging panel on these awards is second to none, and we knew that our work was going to be judged on merit alone – and not the size of our sponsorship budget.
So in 2016, with two and a half years of business under our belt, we more or less wanted to see where we stood in the crowded SEO landscape in the UK. We submitted a few projects to the awards, and were delighted to find ourselves shortlisted in three award categories.
We never expected to win that year. After all, we were just a small two-person business in Belfast, and we were competing against some of the UK’s biggest and most established agencies and brands.
So when we ended up winning two awards, we were stunned and amazed.

Polemic Digital’s 2016 UK Search Awards
This year we decided to enter again. While the business has evolved somewhat this last year, focusing primarily in SEO audits, SEO training, and specialised SEO for news publishers, we had a few ongoing projects we were proud of and perhaps the judges might consider favourably.
So when last week the shortlist was announced, we were eager to see if we’d made the cut. And indeed, we did!

Polemic Digital is shortlisted in two categories:
Best Use of Search – Retail
Best Small SEO Agency
While we won last year’s Best Small SEO Agency award, in which our tiny two-person agency went up against outfits that had up to 25 members of staff, we feel our chances to extend our winning streak are quite small; every year the competition gets tougher, with more companies submitting more projects to the awards. This year, the shortlist boasts a truly outstanding selection of agencies and projects.
Still, even if we leave empty-handed, the awards night on November 30 in London will be another superb event celebrating all that is awesome about the search industry in the UK. Our local friends at Loud Mouth Media are once again on the shortlist, continuing their success as Northern Ireland’s finest PPC agency. And many of our agency friends in the UK, such as Marketing Signals, Branded3, Verve Search, MediaVision, BlueGlass, 10 Yetis, Screaming Frog, and many more are also shortlisted for awards.
So it’ll be an amazing night, no matter what. Just to be shortlisted among the UK’s biggest and best is all we ever wanted, so we’re already considering this mission accomplished!
Update: we didn’t win any awards but had a great night nonetheless. Congratulations to all the winners, well-deserved!